1:00 PM – Vincent Van Haaff




Talk Synopsis

Vincent will be discussing what music, video/installation art, hackspaces, and the maker movement all have in common. He will explore the parallels between connecting ‘software libraries & hardware’ and connecting ‘people and communities’ and how these points can benefit and accelerate every piece involved.  He will also offer examples of how tribes can help you progress your field of multi-media work in both utilizing other fields and by offering to help for others that want to grow as well.


Speaker’s Bio

Vincent van Haaff (flyingoctopus.net) is a multi-disciplinary multi-media artist working with computer code to explore virtual spaces defined by rule-based systems. Originally from Southern California, he went from a record label co-founder and audio hacker in Los Angeles to a rock climbing/chard-growing hippie in Santa Barbara before moving to Vancouver to become a video game software developer and media artist. His expertise spans from data and music visualization to computer vision and user centred design.


Come see me talk at The Vancouver Mini Maker Faire Gen Why Speaker Series Saturday @ 1pm. I'll give you my wisdom, a monome demo, and a hug!

Here's the full lineup.


23 June 2011

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